
Dive #50

I officially reached my 50th dive in Kauai.  I consider this an important milestone as this now makes me an experienced diver.  Even though I have already been to some pretty advanced diving sites such as diving in the Galapagos, it's a nice whole number.  I can now be allowed to dive the Blue Hole in Belize!!!  Dive #50 occurred in the Sheraton Caverns, a dive site I have been to in my previous visit to Kauai.  But I didn't remember seeing as many green turtles as I did on this occasion.  They were everywhere!


Kealia Landing, Kapa'a, Kauai

I apologize for the delay in posting more photos of my getaway to Hawaii.  But here it is.....We rented this fabulous three-bedroom house, overlooking Kapa'a beach.  The ocean view is stunning and the whales can be seen breaching right in front of us every morning.  That was my favourite part about having breakfast with the beautiful ocean beckoning us.  At night, we would keep the sliding doors open so we could hear the ocean lulling us to sleep.  This place was a slice of paradise.  I hope to return again to this beautiful home soon.


R & R in Idyllic Kauai

The morning of our departure, our flight got delayed due to frigid temperatures.  The wings had to be de-iced before we could take off.  I'd never seen this done before so it was really cool to watch as the de-icing machine goes back and forth along the arms of the plane.

 Goodbye cold!
And ten hours later........aloha sunshine!!!


A Break from the Snow

I was never a huge fan of the cold or snow for that matter.  The only reason why I go outside my house in the winter is to walk my dog, Tia or take her out to the neighbourhood off-leash park.  So I am looking forward to being in Hawaii in the next few days and hopefully getting a few more dives under my belt.  I'll try and post the pics as soon as I return.....so in the meantime, ciao!! 


Figueres and Cadaques Excursion

Entrance to the Dali Theatre-Museum in Figueres.
Dali's crypt.
One half of the very large ceiling painting, The Palace of the Wind, depicting Dali and his wife, Gala, ascending to the heavens.

This was a massive statue of what appears to be an Amazon standing on top of a cadillac.  Most impressive.

A beautiful and scenic drive along the Catalonian coast to Cadaques.
The coastal town of Cadaques, a sleepy fishing village often frequented by Dali during his childhood.


More Barcelona Sights.....

Other fine examples of Antoni Gaudi's work can be appreciated in his fairytale residence-turned-garden, Parc Guell.  It is easy to get lost amongst the serpentine terraces and gigantic collonades.  I imagine this place is a zoo during peak tourist season, but in January, quite a pleasant promenade.  The blueprint of the entire park is vast and you can spend an entire day here, admiring all the glass mosaics that are hallmarks of Gaudi's hand.

Winter in Barcelona

The city of Barcelona has an indelible hold on my heart.  What's not to love?  The culture, the food, the beautiful people and most of all, the art.  It is everywhere.  There is nothing drab about this city and the best place to see it all is on foot.  The last time I was here was a decade ago and it is as stunning as I remembered it to be.  I spent an entire week just living like a typical Catalonian: indulging in a charcuterie plate of manchego cheese drizzled with honey and Andalusian cured meats with a glass of a bold red Spanish wine, shopping along the boutiques that line Gran Via and people watching.  December in this city is a little brisk in the morning but by mid-afternoon, it is a balmy 15 degrees Celsius.  I do not ever recall experiencing rain in Barcelona.  In my mind, it is always blue skies and sunshine.  This is Casa Batllo, a product of Antoni Gaudi's whimsical creative genius, interspersed among the ordinary buildings along Passeig de Gracia.  The structure is most dramatic to behold at night where the facade explodes in a three dimensional pot-pourri of coloured glass and organic shapes.


Alice Through Coloured Glass Mosaics


When not scuba diving in Utila (which was rare), I did have some time to explore the local scene, much of which was closed during the hot, lazy afternoons anyway.  But if anything should get me out of my mid-day siesta, it is a foray to the Jade Seahorse, an Alice-in-Wonderland-esque bar/restaurant/hotel, tucked away in one of the many small, quiet streets of the island.  If you can withstand the mosquitoes (and for some reason, they love me), the bar is the place to be when the sun goes down. 


More Big Fish

After numerous attempts to catch up to these extremely bashful sharks, it dawned on me that I was missing out on the pure joy of just being in the same waters with these magnificent beasts.  So I put away my camera and simply enjoyed the scenery.  At one point, I was very close to a juvenile whale shark, which was about 20 ft long (yes, juvenile).   It had been gaining momentum and swimming rapidly away from me when all of a sudden, it had a change of heart and circled back.  I then found myself face to face with this gentle giant and for that fleeting moment, nothing else mattered.  It was such a humbling experience to be that close to nature, I could barely contain myself.  I felt very blessed.


A Very Big Fish

I indeed made it down to Utila, Honduras for a week of scuba diving and whale shark watching.  And while I caught my connection in Atlanta with only 5 minutes to spare prior to departure, my luggage did not.  It took 2 days for my stuff to arrive.  I did not have any toiletries in my hand carry (lesson learned), no sunblock and worse of all (gasp), no hair brush!!!  Of course, we were on a tight schedule with four dives a day, I was badly sunburned by Day 1.  I had the most attractive short tan from a shortie wet suit I had to rent because none of my dive gear made it with me until a couple of days after I arrived.  Nevertheless, I made the best of a bad situation.  Met some very friendly Americans during my stay and they were kind enough to lend me some hair stuff and toothpaste.

The diving in Utila is spectacular.  The aquatic life is absolutely pristine and healthy.  I manage to catch some whale sharks too, along the way.  But these large pelagics are extremely shy and easily startled.  I was lucky to even catch one on camera. 


A fresh start

I am marking a fresh start with the intent of keeping this blog alive despite my extended hiatus.  Been so busy with work and life and home renovations, I barely had time to upload photos, let alone put them together into a blog!  Notwithstanding, I am making the effort to post more pics about my travels and adventures, local and abroad.  And so to new beginnings....