
Green is Black

I met a friend for lunch the other day on my day off. We got to talking about the environment and finding solutions on how to reduce our carbon footprint. She then took me down Yonge St. to a boutique called Green is Black, where everything is eco-friendly and ethical. From re-invented vintages, to outfits made of organic fabrics such as hemp, cotton, bamboo or soy, to footwear made of recycled old tires and accessories from old candy wrappers, this gem of a store really had their bases covered. Every brand is either locally made, or manufactured in places where employers practice fair trade. I was introduced to Kerry, founder of the company, and got to chatting a little bit about what it means to be green. Anyway, to make a long story short, my friend ended up modelling a jumpsuit (my pick!) for BT the next day. Check them out! www.greenisblack.ca

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That store is cool! I especially luv the candy-wrapper clutches. Very edgy!!