
Utila Dive Lodge, Utila Island, Honduras

Utila Dive Lodge is by no means a luxury all-inclusive resort where you do nothing but sip alcohol and sunbathe all day long.

As you can see, the accommodations are fairly modest, but comfortable and functional. It's geared for the diving enthusiasts who have come here for this:

I have not been able to encounter any whale sharks yet (or manta rays for that matter). I missed them when I visited the Galapagos Islands in 2004, and missed them again when I visited Belize in 2005. So this year, I want to see them, swim with them and hopefully get a real close encounter.

Photo Credits: Utila Dive Lodge


Zuri said...

The Galapagos Islands are the most incredible living museum of evolutionary changes, with a huge variety of exotic species (birds, land and sea animals, plants) and landscapes not seen anywhere else.

The Scientist said...

I agree. One of these days, when I complete posting my Tanzanian safari photos, I'll post some of my photos from the Galapagos Islands too.