
A Very Big Fish

I indeed made it down to Utila, Honduras for a week of scuba diving and whale shark watching.  And while I caught my connection in Atlanta with only 5 minutes to spare prior to departure, my luggage did not.  It took 2 days for my stuff to arrive.  I did not have any toiletries in my hand carry (lesson learned), no sunblock and worse of all (gasp), no hair brush!!!  Of course, we were on a tight schedule with four dives a day, I was badly sunburned by Day 1.  I had the most attractive short tan from a shortie wet suit I had to rent because none of my dive gear made it with me until a couple of days after I arrived.  Nevertheless, I made the best of a bad situation.  Met some very friendly Americans during my stay and they were kind enough to lend me some hair stuff and toothpaste.

The diving in Utila is spectacular.  The aquatic life is absolutely pristine and healthy.  I manage to catch some whale sharks too, along the way.  But these large pelagics are extremely shy and easily startled.  I was lucky to even catch one on camera. 

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