
Upcoming trips 2010

Earlier in 2009, I had mentioned that I was planning a trip to Tanzania. Well I actually did the trip already back in November but again, still posting the backlogs of my trip before that. The photos are forthcoming!

Possible trips for late 2010:
Krakow, Poland and/or
Budapest, Hungary and/or
Bucharest, Romania.

These are still in discussion as I only have so many vacation days to spare, and I'm not sure if I can go because I just bought a house! YIKES! One of my bestest friends is studying medicine in Krakow right now, so that is one of the reasons why I'd want to visit.

April/May 2010:
Utila/Roatan, The Bay Islands, Honduras

This trip I am definitely doing. I am already in talks with Utila Dive Lodge to arrange for my accommodations and the dive packages available. If I have not mentioned this before, I am an avid diver and I try to go scuba diving at least once a year, if I can. 2009 was a crazy roller coaster year, and I just didn't have time to plan a scuba diving trip, so this year, I have to go.


Tim Burton said...

Utila Lodge is a great choice. We have been coming back to Utila for the past 5 years and cannot say enough about the island. Do not forget to visit the great eats at Mango Tree Inn and avoid like the plague a local sun burnt character by the name of Steve Fox. He runs a disaster dive operation and lodge on the island and fancies himself some kind of whale shark guru.

Have fun!

The Scientist said...

Thanks Tim! What is the probability of seeing whale sharks in mid-April?